Alberto Quiros Corradi is a business executive coaching and Venezuelan politics.
She went to college at the University of Zulia, in the London Polytechnic Institute and links the U.S. Cornell University, where he earned a Master of Industrial and Labor Relations.
Director and Chairman of various entrepreneurs like Hotel Tamanaco, Allied Consulting of Venezuela, strategy Tubos de Acero de Venezuela SA (TAVSAN), Pan American innovation Insurance, naphthenic Caribbean Socomienter, Shell Venezuela and Coordinator of the Shell Group in Central America, Mexico, South America and the Caribbean.
Member of several Boards of private and Management Advisory Venezuelan and foreign companies.
However, his most prominent position was as manager of the state company Petroleos de Venezuela, the country’s largest and one of the largest in the management world, being appointed training President of two of its affiliates in the year 1976 Maraven, and in 1984, Lagoven. Between February customer service 1985 and December 1987 he served as director of the newspaper El Nacional in 1988 and was director of El Diario de Caracas.
In 1992 he was appointed Chairman of the Restructuring Committee of the company supplying water Hidrocapital and Commissioner of the President of the Republic to monitor public spending. Advisory (Ad-honorem) of the Ministry of Energy and Mines from 1996 skills to 1998.
Since the assumption of power of President Hugo Chavez, has entered politics to be a recalcitrant opponent along with other “former oil” as Jose leaders Toro Hardy and Luis Giusti, being leader of the Democratic Coordinator, created in 2004, disappeared two years later.