Attractive As An Employer For Engineers – Lectures In The Opel Russelsheim
December 27th, 2024 by thesuper

Attractive as an employer, the theme of two lectures for employers not only by engineers in the space of Russelsheim, in the Opel is Forum. With two sessions in March and April 2012, the town of Russelsheim supports companies that want to increase their attractiveness as an employer. Topic of the first lecture is the importance of motivation and employee retention. In the second, the audience by presenter Gunther Wolf learn practical tools which companies will be attractive as an employer to the outside. The entrance to two lectures in the Opel Forum is free of charge. To be attractive as an employer is increasingly important especially in the engineering professions.

Therefore the Russelsheim development puts their lecture series under the title “attractiveness as an employer instruments of employee retention” in the spring of 2012, with two presentations of the consultant Gunther Wolf. The first lecture is about the importance of motivation and retention for the performance of the company. The speaker also presents analysis options with which set can be, as it is ordered to the motivation of our employees and their commitment to the company. Attractive as an employer for engineers In the second of two thematically closely related presentations consultant Gunther Wolf introduces practical measures, with which the company attractive can present themselves as employers to the outside. For the effect inside the listeners get to know selected instruments of employee retention. This must be not necessarily material benefits, because a company can be attractive as an employer for example through his good working atmosphere. Commitment as well as the binding in particular of performance and potential to the company can be significantly improved through the use of specially adapted measures of employee retention.

Lectures in the Opel Forum Russelsheim of benefit in particular small and medium-sized Russelsheim companies, which want to employ engineers and other professionals, prevent that these supposedly more attractive companies migrate. Its employees are satisfied, for example, about the social media proclaim that your employer is attractive, this at the same time promoting the corporate image and attracts potential candidates. The theme of the first lecture is “Corporate analysis strategic considerations for the employee retention”. The presentation is on Wednesday, March 21, 2012. The second lecture on “instruments of employee retention: what are useful for my company?” will take place on April 18, 2012. Venue of the lectures is the Opel in Russelsheim, Germany. The participation of two lectures, each starting at 19:00, is free of charge. Links:-information and registration: economy service Russelsheim de / veranstaltungen.php #210312 – seminar employer branding employers Attraktivitat and retention mitarbeiterbindung.

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