Benefit To All Parties
March 14th, 2016 by thesuper

Invited by one of the institutions in which I collaborate in bankruptcy matters, on Thursday and Friday me threw it in the Colegio de Abogados de Malaga (Spain), in the Convention days of business continuation: benefit for all parties, organized by the aforementioned College and the Foundation FYDU, sponsored by VINKO and that develop during the Thursday and Friday of this week. Given the serious economic and social situation that we live, the title may sound like a joke, since the current competition of creditors, at least in my territorial scope, empties into liquidation at a very high percentage, in the absence of viability to continue with the business activity by the Deudora.Sin embargo, let’s not forget the spirit of the existing bankruptcy law, business continuation, so it is good to not lose the North. One of the speakers, D. Francisco Cano framework, magistrate of the Juzgado de lo Mercantil de Murcia, said about this topic something that seemed very logical, about than the brutal crisis that we are facing is that that referral spirit will not solidify or materialize. This weekend I will summarize in the bankruptcy administration, most of the papers blog. However, highlight the satisfaction again salute D. Antonio Fuentes Bujak, judge magistrate of the Juzgado de lo Mercantil n 1 of Malaga, which resolved me some doubts and that us spoke of judicial authorization on the sale of goods. He sarcastically commented that he is known in the profession as the madman of the authorisation for sale.

Joking aside, certain Honourable dominates this specialization. I finished commenting on the dissertation of D. Francisco Jose Soriano Guzman, judge of the Provincial audience of Alicante, section eighth, Civil and commercial, which I had the opportunity to greet and that made us spend some pleasant moments environment to his presentation contest of the physical person, although, as I expressed it, his speech seemed short, by way of introduction of a vast topic as unknown. In short, a rich source of knowledge that I was drinking from morning to afternoon, replacing forces in the Real Club Mediterranean in Malaga. I leave a photo of D. Antonio Bujalance, in the Centre, with some of the other shadow rapporteurs who had kindly posing. Manuel Velasco Carretero original author and source of the article

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