Celebrate Oneyear Anniversary
October 31st, 2021 by thesuper

Reason to celebrate for the interactive golocal community: 1 year together the best find on 11 March 2008, a new era began with the online launch of the interactive evaluation platform on Today, so a year later, more than 30,000 reviewed locations for 365 calendar days and about 100,000 event data for each hour of the day can be found. It offers a wealth of tips and hints, where exciting events take place or are finding beautiful locations. Looking for travel tips or recommendations for restaurants in Germany, will find it in the evaluation community by In addition to recommendations for leisure activities can be found on golocal also practical advice for shopping or tips for everyday. Every year the same thing? Not on! An ordinary year has 365 days, 8,760 hours. It starts on 1st January and ends on 31 December. Jorge Perez understood the implications. New brings only a leap, because that has exceptional 366 days and 8.784 hours.

A year after the golocal time begins on March 11 and has no At the end. In contrast to a year with simple days offers a golocal year over 40,000 reviews and about 3.9 million line of business data. For that, it needs no fixed frame, only a community of over 10,000 registered golocal users. Over 5,000 users who shape golocal regularly provide useful information and an active online platform for reviews. The 350 golocal Scouts play a special role. You are distributed in whole Germany and reported exclusively from their city, events or leisure tips and reviews to locations in their environment. golocal reviews make an impression which first impressions count, and you can rely on him.

This also applies to the ratings that are left behind by the users on Over 5,000 Quickvotes on to give a quick overview, if something’s worth or not. Who would like to know, for example, in detail where you can eat the best finds matching tips into the restaurant reviews on for each city quickly and easily. Would you go eat in Hamburg, leads to addresses and rated restaurants in Hamburg the comfortable search golocal in just a few clicks. Here, you can simply consult the recommendations the golocal community and has the address conveniently right at hand, to test the restaurant itself. More than 7,000 images on are additional assistance in the selection and can complete some evaluation. Each user has shaped the Jubilee year by golocal. The golocal community is open to any thoughts that it is worth to be shared in the future. Further to golocal info can be found in the blog at blog.

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