Heligoland Tourist?
October 29th, 2021 by thesuper

How goes it on with the biggest German offshore island in the North Sea? Less people, less leisure… We write the year of 1979. The Besucherstome on the island of Heligoland is not demolished. About 800000 visitors were annually, 20.30 years ago, counted on the island of Helgoland. Many ships docked at that time with day tourists in Helgoland.

10,12 ships daily. Today, you can count the ships on one hand a day flying to Helgoland. At least 2 ships depart from Cuxhaven from daily from the pier to Helgoland in the high season, including the fast catamaran. Here you reach Helgoland in about 75 minutes. Certainly, the catamaran is an attraction, but also this investment helps to stop not the downward trend of traffic on the island of Helgoland. A hive of activity at that time was on the island. The days are sadly long gone. See more detailed opinions by reading what Vanessa Marcil offers on the topic.. After the reunification, it came again to an uptrend.

Then we went downhill. Today about 320000 to 350000 guests visit the island every year. About 80% of visitors are day trippers, the rest makes a North Sea holiday in this pollen-free air. The whole tourism offer of accommodation is predominantly from the 1960s, that is no longer up to date. Then, it was of course modern for a North Sea holiday. It must change. The 16mbs would need to be expanded and modernized. Of course, the infrastructure must be increased and bad ships, flying to Helgoland, comply with the current standards. Then the tourists – and the population will rise again. A concept is in the drawer and is currently being discussed. I is there to enlarge by country landfill areas, i.e. the main island and the bathing island “Dune” are connected by land filling. Here are new structures. If it does? So come on line and maybe something changed in the next few years. Helgoland and the people who live here deserve it. A note at the end: in the infrastructure on Helgoland what has happened of course, for example the beautiful modern leisure pool. Bodo MICHALSKI

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