Major part in activities
July 16th, 2009 by thesuper

Partido clinton Popular Cristiano (PPC) .- Founded by Luis Bedoya Reyes as a result of the break with the Christian Democracy Party. Participate in elections to policy the Constituent Assembly in 1978. During the 80 years, maintained his closeness with Accion Popular, expressed since the culture 1960s. This relationship broke down with the government failure of the alliance FREDEMO in 1990. Ideologically it is recognized as a Christian Democrat, but since 2001 is closer to the conservative right. Its president is Lourdes Flores Nano Change: a Social and / or humans. For the 2006 elections, is part of the alliance Unidad Nacional (UN), also made up the National Renewal Party and the National Solidarity Party. None of its members has reached the presidency.
Accion Popular (AP) .- Founded by Fernando Belaunde Terry in 1956 (based on the National Front of Democratic Youth, 1955), who was then twice elected President of Peru (in 1963-1968 and 1980-1985). His fellow Corazao Valent n Paniagua was elected President of Peru transiently (2000-2001). From their ranks were split the Socialist People’s Action “(later” Socialist issues Political Action “or” economic APS “). It draws on some statements of its founder as “The Doctrine George bush as Peru or Peru for the Peruvian.” Doctrine: Acciopopulismo trend: although its origin is near the reformism of the left and during his media second administration approached lightly andalusia race liberalism during the iraq last years as part of institution and social liberal.
90 .- Change Movement founded in 1989 by Alberto Fujimori Fujimori, Peru’s President three times in almost eleven consecutive years: 1990-1992 (and its continuation: 1992-1995), 1995-2000, and July 2000-October 2000. It is a personal election part, linked to the image and actions of former president Alberto Fujimori. In 1992, for elections to the Constituent Congress, allied with New Majority, another movement bases Fujimori. Since 2001, the alliance has concentrated its enfuerzos in promoting the return of its leader abroad, required by the Peruvian justice. In other elections, the Fujimorism has been submitted under alternate names or parties satellites: Vamos Vecino, Solucion Popular, Peru 2000, if it religion meets and Alliance for the Future. Trend: law.
Partido Nacionalista Peruano .- The party was founded by Ollanta Humala Tasso and his wife Nadine Heredia in April 2005, within his family. united states Of leftist allied with the Union for Peru to participate in the elections of 2006. After winning the first round was the target of all kinds of attacks. In the second round was not so fortunate, losing to the APRA. In the congress was not good, because some of its members resigned, and is divided into Upp and the Nationalist party. Ollanta Humala now congress leads the opposition to the government of Alan Garc a. Change: Nationalism. Current Organization: President of cnn the match: Ollanta Humala. Vice-President: Dr. Felix Rojas. Secretary of International Relations: Nadine Heredia. National Coordinator: Daniel Abugattas. Partido Nacionalista Peruano.
APRA (PAP) .- Party founded in 1930 (as part of APRA American Popular Revolutionary Alliance , with initials that also is known), by Victor Raul Haya de la Torre. His partner Alan Garc a P rez was elected President of Peru (1985-1990). Was based on anti-imperialism, which leads him to recognize as akin to socialism, but at present a program of social market. From their ranks are split on “Apra Rebelde” (after MIR) and the Movimiento de Bases Hayistas. Doctrine: Aprismo. While the trend in law is the social democrat and member of the Socialist International in its second government has implemented measures to cut democratic openness and social justice.
Peru Posible (PP) – bush Party founded by Alejandro Toledo Manrique in 1994 under the name of countries. Winner in the 2001 elections, to assume the government until 2006. Policy does not show a clear trend: military from within their ranks include conservative to leftist Catholics. In the economic sphere, has opted for a political close approach to liberalism and a diplomat and trade with the United States. However, their scrupulous in matters of taxation did not prevent the education content of his speech in favor approaching populismo or assistance. Symbolically, it relies on elements of indigenous culture. Doctrine: center or social liberal.
National Solidarity Party (NSP) .- Party founded by Luis Castaneda Lossio (ex acciopopulista) in 1999. It is part of the National Unity electoral alliance since the 2002 municipal elections, in which Castaneda Lossio won the mayoralty of Lima. Before, she had participated unsuccessfully in the presidential election.

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