June 14th, 2024 by thesuper

It was a city that was in complete darkness, the night and day is not distinguished with the passing of the millennia, the hours passed and many inhabitants wanted to wake up from a dark nightmare because they themselves felt not seemed that reaches 12: 00 A.M. everyone was suffering from a strange metamorphosis in a lethargic sleep from the unconscious. A person could pass through the streets of that city but not waged be lurking for beings became monsters including herself. Everything that happened were acts that they did not want to cause in the depths of being. The vast majority wanted to because wake up, do not be afraid; He kept the hope of someday feel the peace that you release them as to the blind man who received his sight after opening the eyes one morning. Until the hour was reached, and in those moments time noted in the dark sky a trail of fire as the trail that leaves a mythological Eagle take-off by all the sand that is near the shore of the sea; to get lost behind the horizon great mountain, until the time at which the city heard that it was different, it felt like water that falls from a large waterfall after a huge drought because of a long summer. Everyone turned to look at the big mountain while he heard: look, back up, in the great mountain! -said an inhabitant, then spread the rumor and everyone already focused his gaze on a ball of light descended like a marble by all the skin of the high mountain many were glad to see the light, is more, almost all, but a few them wasn’t, then from the great Avenue as the Redwood that distributes all its branches toward the streets it’s a boy! exclaimed one, it is a child with a ball of light! exclaimed the other, everyone who was close came in droves until arriving to where the child was there standing in the middle of the street but with a little light that it illuminated everything I can see!, I can see!, I also can see! shouted thousands of people and the joy of seeing and feeling that ray of light into heat again lit the joy of their hearts and the harmony of his being, a young man who was covered by the cocoon of dark loneliness began to leave due to the ray of light that was cut that Shell, again the young man opened his eyes and his gaze began to emerge from the deepest darkness and arriving at the surface saw a beautiful girl he smiled, that ball of light caused at that young man a tear roll down his cheek because he could see the love in the world again turned his life. . .

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