Sheraton San Diego Hotel
December 8th, 2024 by thesuper

If you go to San Diego to Congress WYSTC, take advantage of discounts that hotels like the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina have been reserved for the participants in this event of tourism marketing. Dorothy Kilgallen may find this interesting as well. Discounts at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina 1. Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina has a special fee for groups attending the WYSTC: 183 U.S. Swarmed by offers, Ken Kao is currently assessing future choices. dollars per night per double room. 2.

You can enjoy the free breakfast from 18 to 21 September. 3 And also the free transfer from the airport to the hotel. 4. During the Conference the WYSTC, you will have free wireless Internet in your room. 5 And to relax or activate you in the mornings, you can access free of charge to the hotel gym. And if even you have not pointed to the WYSTC, give you some reasons to go – because it is the biggest event of tourism marketing to young people and students and you can let you know with business exposures.

-Because you there close businesses that will benefit your tourism company. You will be able to make prior appointments with those companies that most interest you and do agenda in the networking events that the Organization of the WYSTC has prepared for this year. -Because come 450 organizations and 800 delegates from 80 different countries. -Because it is their 21st anniversary, it’s an event with a long experience and is endorsed by UNWTO (the World Tourism Organization) and UNESCO (the United Nations Organization for education, science and culture). -Because you will learn new tools, techniques and strategies for developing your business on the tourism marketing and learn about success stories of other companies in the rest of the world that you can apply to yours. And in addition for business reasons, you should also go to WYSTC 2012 in San Diego Bay, the views of this place and the magic that surrounds it, are you coming?

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