This if gave for the reaction of the group front to the foreigner, a time that, for Castilho (2002) any new element, that comes to enter in established group already, will have to count with typical reactions, that go to depend in parts, of the emotional equation and some intrinsic factors to the group. Also to the individual characteristics of the foreigner who will be able to facilitate or to make it difficult in the process of assimilation of the group. As Castilho (2002) the attitudes of the group front to the foreigner if of the one for expectations, tension, questioning, inaceitao and hostility front to the new member, projections of fancies, feelings of superiority, rejection and aggression looking for to as soon as get rid of the new member preventing it breaks the homostasis of the group, liberates aggressiveness, insatisfao and tension of socialized form more. the same author suggests that the attitudes of the foreign front to the new group, can be of expectation, anxiety, anguish, shyness, and tension, diffidence, call attention for itself, if to feel fear can attack somebody of the group, or is supported in whom simpatiza, sits down close to the members attract that and prevent it the ones that considers hostile, act in way challenger. Click Charlotte Hornets to learn more. The group if defends of the new member, then this needs to combine itself. As Minicucci (2001) we hold in them as members of diverse groups and our participation in these shapes our behavior depending on the group that we will be acting. The behaviors can be strengthened by diverse reasons, fellowship, identification, understanding, orientation, support and protection, among others. .