Taking Autonomy
September 14th, 2018 by thesuper

In these conditions, one understands that the aged ones tend to lose its autonomy, therefore in the third age some obtain to decide the proper life and others depend on people to take decisions. Evans (1984), autonomy flame the state of being capable to establish and to follow its proper rules, says that, for an aged one, the autonomy is more useful than independence as a global objective, therefore can be restored completely, exactly when the individual continues dependent. The aged one does not have autonomy when familiar or a responsible one makes for it the taking of decisions, thus it becomes dependent. Bodachne (1998), says that the senectude is the age of the economic dependence, social, psychic and affective. In general way, Freitas (2006), understands that the people desire to age with health, to keep the net of familiar friends and, to count on enough financial resources, beyond living deeply a satisfactory oldness of the subjective and individual point of view.

Fields (1998), cite some hypotheses to explain the trend to the formation of unipessoais domiciles, enter which if detaches the increase of the real income of the individual, allowing to arcar with the involved costs in the decision to live alone; inexistence of a kinship net, making it difficult the division of the domicile with relatives; change in the gostos and preference for privacy; reduction of the privacy in more populous domiciles. Also the reduction of the services is mentioned domiciliary, with fall in the quality and the amount of the domestic activities and reduction of the dependence of the individual in relation to the others to gain economies of scale in the consumption of determined good and to get company and entertainment, due to technological modernization and to the advance of the urbanization (FIELDS, 1998). Ahead of this, as students of nursing and professional futures of nursing, we believe that it has necessities of if considering measured of intervention that glimpse the respect to the healthful and safe aging, either in house, the street or proper institutions for aged.

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