Tendering Procedures In Overview
November 1st, 2021 by thesuper

Qualifications are in any case a must especially for the building industry, as well as the construction industry tenders by public authorities play a crucial role. Here it is the competitors price and / or too technical to be ultimately awarded to one-upmanship. The award of construction contracts by contracting authorities is regulated in Germany by the procurement and contracting regulations for construction works (VOB). The VOB is a set of rules, which are the three parts of VOB/A: General provisions for the procurement of construction services, VOB/B: general terms and conditions for the execution of construction works and VOB/C: General technical conditions of contract for construction services is composed. In section 3 of the VOB/A, which concerns only national procurement below the thresholds, is distinguished into four different Award types: the public tender the restricted tender providing hands-free the competitive dialogue according to the specifications of the VOB/A should the public tender be the norm of the tenders. Only if the circumstances or the peculiarity of the performance in itself justify it, may be derogated from the public invitation to tender. Basically, an unlimited number of companies can participate in a tendering procedure and submit an offer after the solicitation of an offer by the customer. Here the prompt of the client is carried out usually by relevant notices, about in daily newspapers and relevant publication leaves or even journals.

This procedure is complied with the principle of the equality of candidates in its entirety. Nevertheless, it is to ensure that only qualified applicants can participate in the procurement procedure in the public tender. As a result, the public procurement directives which represent a further part of the VOB/A provide that companies from participating in the contract award procedure to rule out are for the advertised object their suitability, performance, and reliability can prove. In exceptional cases, is the limited tendering to the application and as the name already suggests speaks directly to a limited number of companies.

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