Thomas Behrendt
July 10th, 2019 by thesuper

1.3 million people are dependent on legal care providing disadvantaged people in our society gets more and more in danger if the welfare State adapts the financial contributions the increased requirements. To Thomas Behrendt draws attention of the Berlin land Association of professional caregivers (BdB): for more than five years our work is remunerated only still flat and no longer according to the actual time. But with monthly two hours per client for little more than 32 euros, the legal support of a people could not cope with, criticized the diploma social worker. “The result: either to serious works, exploit themselves and pay on it or the client is maintained poorly.” The work of the professional staff appointed by the courts is a highly sensitive task. You worry about people who can not control their lives.

The clientele is great. Ranging up to drug-addicted boy from demented elderly, mentally unstable, it includes People as well as General lebensuntuchtige. About 1.3 million people in Germany are dependent on care. Many are supported by family members. However, the portion that is dependent on a professional legal support is increasing continuously; He is expected to be now a half a million people. Considerable expense while the supervisors requirements increase. Behrendt: Bureaucracy alone is considerable. “Already who assists two dozen clients, have in fact every month two annual reports to write.” A task which is equivalent to creating a corporate balance sheet.

This is administrative work. And this time is missing for the care of clients.” Because the core tasks are different. The 12 000 professional carers, of which more than half of the BdB is organized, take care of the financial situation of their clients, legal issues, E.g. to authorities or owners, take responsibility in the health care and organize everyday life, by it E.g. Care hire and supervise. In short: The professional carers are the life Manager of many people on the fringes of our society.

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