Alfred Hitchcock
January 24th, 2014 by thesuper

Alfred Hitchcock was born in London on 13/08/1899. Relatives Hitchcock was Catholic, it's not like England, and the boy from childhood imagined myself different from everyone else. At an early age he was sent to the involved Jesuit College of St. Ignatius strongly with strict rules and regular measures the impact of even minor errors. This college is persuaded that a person is truly afraid, and then reveal that the quality of the movies.

Scheme of an innocent person bullying, fear of retribution often reveals in his paintings. On the stretch of the imagination can be assumed that a child Alfred wanted to devote himself to cinema, his life story is an example of how long time to the person to look for his real purpose in this complicated life (and some persons it seems, never goes out.) He completed his Engineering and Navigation School, followed has been employed in a telegraph company and also studied at the University of London, where mastering the art. In the movie was almost by accident – read in a newspaper that, in the city where he is today, London, opened branch of the American enterprise, and sent them a few sketches (in silent films labels to conversations commented pictures). His was no question on the robot, and a small amount of time he was chief of the department of titles, which at the time was almost the most basic in the film industry, most titles (latest mounted) radically changed the meaning of the film. Talent producer predetermined number of credits, the smaller the number, the more came out to show a silent frames.

In the studio quite quickly Hitchcock turns in the desired expert – he learns to write the script, he is given dosnimat nodal episodes, but at age 23, he knows his opportunities and directing. All quick change when Hitchcock in 1925, suddenly leaves the post of assistant director, which he embraced at the time, and almost immediately came the offer to become director of the free. Thus, in age 26 Hitchcock initiates (and also brings to an end), your starting movie 'Garden of Delights'. The shooting took place in a much small sponsorship from time to time occurred some inconsistencies, there were unexpected circumstances at the end of the director, in his individual reasoning, remained 'suspense'. Such a definition in the future came to be called a genre in which he worked a director. In Russian, perhaps, it is extremely difficult to find the correct definition of the word suspense. Basically, it translates as 'uncertainty', but this definition does not reveal that state of anxiety and stress, which is mainly accompanied by a state of vagueness. As advance the story line more viewer enters this state, emotional stress increases, the nodes of the plot suck all the harder, until it is the expected outcome that brings peace of mind.

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