August 20th, 2021 by thesuper

It would be very interesting that everyone did an exercise of self-research to thoroughly scrutinize thoroughly and reach the more inaccessible of the wonderful location and simultaneously complex functioning of our brain, to see that we find, perhaps any would be a surprise, especially those who are not going to find anything, they are more that you think. Only if we think of the elemental in inconsequential, in the elemental, as what I will today to exit? or I have to find a paper to the wall without fail with a few tones in pink that make me play with the lounge sofa backs, this is rather a thing of them, but that they also have theirs (in this case we have), as I fell three hairs (because the guards in a wooden box if you don’t want to lose them) or do not know if this summer will go on vacation to the people or the Caribbean or better will not go anywhere and with the money I save buy a plasma television with mega widescreen with surround sound we could continue with a few and others and not end up: Will do me game the shape of shoes with the design of earrings? You will notice me much grain that has left me in the nose? I will call to Pepi to exit or better stay with Lucy? Y etc. Etc. etc. Let us not remain single or in the superficial, brain not being spent by using it a lot and it is a pity that a perfect machine hardly used, some even have it virtually intact when they put the costume of pine. Should try to get as a drill into that mysterious and exciting path that is self and dig and deepen although many times do not like what you see, although sometimes there is who has been a pleasant surprise, Wow Wow, not I thought that this could leave me!. Even some feel important by giving an unexpected touch of intelligentsia is going to allow peek to an unknown world, the knowledge, but from there, until arriving at the Summit of wisdom is a very long stretch that not all are able to carry out.

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