‘China’s Economy’
August 24th, 2009 by thesuper

platforms ‘China’s Economy’ by Francoise Lemoine, Alianza Editorial 2007 Francoise Lemoine is a French economist who has worked on research topics of the Asian economies, in his book ‘China’s Economy’, published by Alianza Editorial in 2007 speaks of an earlier period to 1949 where this Asian country lacked financial development, the country also faced crises of political instability assuming the Soviet model, China receives funds and subsequently becomes the world’s first tall thanks to its large availability of labor and increasing quality of their productions, made on behalf of transnational corporations. Main article: election History of democracy
The index of democracy is a classification made by the British economist The Economist Group. The pale political blue countries get politics a punctuation of 9.5 in 10 (with Sweden, considered the most democratic country with 9.88), while the black countries are punctuation below 2 (with North Korea, considered the least democratic views with 1.03).
Democracy first appeared in abortion many of the ancient civilizations that have organized their institutions based on community systems and egalitarian tribal (tribal democracy).
Among the best known are the relatively short experience of some city-states of ancient Greece, particularly Athens around the year 500 a. C. The small size and low population of the polis (or Greek cities) explain the possibility of showing an assembly of people, of which only vote men could join free, thus excluding 75 of the population composed of slaves, women and foreigners. The assembly was the symbol of Athenian democracy. In Greek democracy, there was no representation, government positions were occupied in turn by all citizens republican and the sovereignty of the assembly was complete. All these restrictions and the small population of Athens (about 300,000) helped minimize the obvious logistical difficulties of this form of government.
In the twelfth century in America was formed the League of Democratic and Constitutional Haudenosaunee, comprised of the Seneca nation, Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga and katytorres, which enshrined the principles of limitation and division of power, as well as democratic equality of men and women. Haudenosaunee democracy has been considered by many thinkers as the most direct antecedent of modern democracy.
During the Middle Ages in Europe the term of ‘democracies urbanas “to designate the commercial senator cities, especially in campaign Italy parties and Flanders, but in fact they were ruled by an aristocratic conservative regime. There are also some so-called peasant democracies, as in Iceland, george bush the first parliament met in 930 and that of the Swiss issues cantons in the thirteenth century. In the late twelfth century committee were organized on democratic principles of the Kingdom of Leon Cortes (1188), originally called “town hall” because it brought together representatives of all social strata. In writers like William of Ockham, Marsilio of Padua and Altusio conceptions appear on the sovereignty of platform the people, who were regarded as revolutionary, and would later be picked up by authors such as Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.
Protestantism in Europe promoting the Democratic reaction to reject the authority of the Pope, but on the other hand, was stronger temporal power of princes. From the Catholic side, the School of Salamanca attacked the idea of the power of kings by divine plan, arguing that the town was the recipient of soberania. In turn, the people could retain sovereignty if (democracy being the natural form of republicans government) or left voluntarily to assign rule by a monarchy. In 1653 England waspublished in the Instrument of Government, which enshrines the george w. bush idea of limiting the political power through the establishment of safeguards against possible liberal abuse of royal power. Since 1688, triumphant democracy in England was based on the principle of freedom of discussion, carried voter on in Parliament.
In America the revolution of communities of Paraguay from 1735 upheld the democratic principle developed by Jose de Antequera y Castro: the will of the common than in the king. Meanwhile, in Brazil, African Americans managed to flee from slavery to which they had been reduced by the Portuguese, were organized in the Democratic Republic calls quilombos like Quilombo of Palmares, or Quilombo of Macaco.
Independence of elephant the United States in 1776 established a new ideal for the political institutions of democratic base, expanded by the French Revolution of 1789 and the Spanish-American kerry War of Independence (1809-1824), spreading liberal ideas, human rights specified in the Declaration Rights and the Virginia Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen, constitutionalism and the right to independence, principles which formed the ideological basis on which to develop any political developments in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The sum of these revolutions is known as the bourgeois revolutions.
The constitutions of the United States 1787 with Amendments of 1791, headquarters Venezuela in 1811, Spain 1812, France senate 1848 and Argentina in congress 1853 beliefs and has some democratic progress and to record complex setbacks.

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