Even 10 years ago computer games were meant for only a small proportion of the population. The sales were moderate, and real mass games, it did not then exist. Consoles and their games were designed for adolescents and a small minority of 20-30 year olds. Today, the completely changed. The largest and most successful computer games are now almost everyone knows. On television, TV commercials for new publications to appear – that would have been unthinkable in 1997 due to the low budget. So-called MMORPG (Mass Multiple Online Role Play Games) are scattered over all continents Games communes of 8 or 9 million people per game. Who wore 10 years ago, the public is a game shirt, earned incomprehension. Yes, many do not even know the meaning of the proverb. Today, the computer games industry in Japan is larger than the local auto industry. The market is growing and the games grow with it. The flair of the “good old games” goes, unfortunately, sometimes lost. For a game reaches the masses it must be simple and maydo not have too much difficulty. The hardcore gamers who can see for 10 years or more to play this with suspicion. Again demanding more complex games – and they only get presents still rare. The era of small PC gaming community is long gone. Also, the sales of consoles are growing rapidly. A PC-shirt to wear today is completely normal. For several years there has been from the media but also and above all, bad publicity about so-called “killer games”. In this form they reach a much wider circle. This is also the reason why some people innately have reservations about PC games. At the Games village, it is now up to dispel these reservations and to show that there are some normal games. The “Killer” still does not produce long-killer.