Thus, the individual would establish a condition of ' ' to be independent without leaving of if submitting, submitting themselves without losing autonomia' ' (PUCCI apud BUENO, 2009, P. 38). 3 Events, entertainment and public politics of leisure In the development of a cultural event are, evidently, indispensable the elaboration of a previous planning, its goals, objectives, public and also its social relevance. In this aspect, we have the paper of the cultural producer, that goes to manage a project in accordance with its vises, cultural basements and values, which in certain way are almost essential to be side ranks. Thus, it is observed that ' ' realizar' ' of a cultural event engloba elements not only referring the artists and public, but also social factors and external politicians. In accordance with Gutierrez (2001): The leisure is, obviously, a cultural manifestation.
The problem, in this in case that, it is that all the felt actions with of the social citizen possess cultural dimension. This happens of the proper definition of only, changeable and not accumulating culture as something, in contraposition to the civilization definition (P. 61). She would be one as to provide the reflection on ' ' practical social contexts in which the individuals produce and receive the forms symbolic mediadas' ' (THOMPSON, 1998, P. 41), in which the varied types of values and knowledge will have access, having been able to understand new forms to perceive the society and the world. At the time current individual is surrounded by different forms of world vision.
One of the controversies concerning its experience and experiences in the world is exactly the question of its proper formation while human being. The society currently experience the industry of the entertainment, what it causes in one of the factors, the modification in amount of cultural events existing. With the increasing competition of producers to keep the participation of the people and that event is called of ' ' sucesso' ' , processes of communication and relationship with public of the organizations are used.