Hospital Pharmacy Hospital Pharmacy is a pharmaceutical professional expertise that comes with the development of large hospitals in the second half of the twentieth century. The needs of pharmaceutical care and medication management in modern hospitals clearly require specific training. Hospital pharmacy services in Spain are, by law, General Services Practitioners. Its functions were described by the legislation (Medicines Act 1990). Hierarchically often depend on the medical management of hospital services like Clinical Analysis, Microbiology and Nuclear Medicine, among others.In short, are responsible for the acquisition, maintenance, supply and drug development and the selection and evaluation of medicines, therapeutic group information, the activities of clinical pharmacokinetics, pharmacovigilance, monitoring products under clinical investigation and studies of drug use. They are responsible for coordinating the pharmacy and therapeutics committees in hospitals and to develop and maintain pharmacotherapeutic guidelines or forms. That is, perform functions of management, logistics, and both for clinical care, teaching and research. In Spain, since 1977 is structured professional specialty hospital pharmacy through the FIR system (internal Pharmaceutical resident) public health system.A nationwide survey (FIR test, like testing for medical-MIR, BIR-biologists, and chemical-Qir-) annually selects candidates to pursue this specialization. With a duration of four years (three years were enrolled initially which was later added a fourth-year rotations for medical services), pharmacists residents acquire knowledge and skills to develop activities increasingly complex and sophisticated, ranging from the modern logistics monitoring of medicines to pharmacotherapy in individual patients.Besides the hospital pharmacy in Spain there are five other pharmaceutical specialties residence job requirements in hospitals, although (unlike specialization in Hospital Pharmacy) Pharmacy graduates must compete here with other health professionals (doctors and biologists) : Domestic Resident Pharmacist, Hospital Pharmacy Resident Internal Pharmaceutical, Clinical Analysis Domestic Resident Pharmacist, Clinical Biochemistry Pharmaceutical Interno Residente, Immunology Internal Resident Pharmacist, Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Parasitology Interno Residente, Radiopharmacy