Minister of
August 20th, 2009 by thesuper

innovation corporate start a strategy strategic successful starting a Minister of Energy and letters Petroleum Rafael Ramirez, recognizes and retains its reluctance to grant interviews to success El Nacional, Plaza Venezuela but management set after it was put in place the fifth version of the source, which funds Pdvsa courteously agreed to reply to this daily affairs that dominate the country’s energy agenda. strategies The background lighting of the square was company used to ask the minister about the power how to start a failure that was recorded last week in Caracas. He explained that was due to a drop in marketing the transmission line in the west, but I emphasize as a solvent sales in an hour and is moving forward with investments in generation and transmission. Often quoted in leading financial circles for his economic insights, spent time as a Vice President at Goldman, Sachs & Co., which he joined in 1992

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