November 13th, 2012 by thesuper

With the objective to acquire the knowledge on porferos and Platyhelminthes, it was used playful methods in classroom: interactive games and the video exhibition. One also used exercises in quiz form, in order to explore the subjects. In the presentation a vision general of the subject and will speak of the ecological, characteristic will be displayed, filognia importance, curiosidades and associations with criptogmicos vegetables. The didactic procedures will be divided at different moments. The first step constitur of the communication of the content, by means of a presentation of slides and a video; as the step will occur with the interactive games (playful part); the third step was to the reading of the cladograma. Porfera: ‘ ‘ Animal sedentary filtradores and, that if they use of an only layer of afflicted cells to pump water through its corpo’ ‘ (BERGQUIST, 1980). Platyhelminthes: They are known generically as ‘ ‘ vermes’ ‘ flattened and they consist of three classrooms: Turbelrios, trematdeos and cestdeos. Word-key: dynamic knowledge, interatividade, porferos and Platyhelminthes.

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