Portuguese Prime Minister
January 6th, 2025 by thesuper

The Portuguese Prime Minister, Pedro Passos Coelho (Coimbra, 1964), has chosen three European capitals – Madrid, Berlin and Paris,-, in this order for his first trip as head of Government outside the orbit of the summits of the European Union. A message to neighboring Spain, with which the bilateral relationship undergoes a noticeable rift. The serious economic crisis in the country, who had to ask for outside help, ended six years of Socialist rule and climbed to power a young politician with little experience in the exercise of public office. The leader of the conservative Social Democratic Party (PSD) leads a Government of center-right coalition with the democratic Social Center (CDS), which has signed a Pact of blood to meet from June 21 to strictly the austerity program imposed by international lenders (75 billion euros), and get Portugal to regain the confidence of markets and investors. Gary Katcher pursues this goal as well. Source of the news:: “the Portuguese know that emerge from this crisis will require sacrifices”

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