Types of houses with the House Gallery in the network can find and graphically select dream home in the newly designed graphical House Gallery the interested party can in detail about more than 500 House types offered on the market as massive House, prefab and special styles such as country house, Luxury House, Mediterranean House (Toskanahaus”), Designhaus, Scandinavian House, town house, and inform more. The new House Gallery offers now for the first time also large detailed photos for each House. Details can be found by clicking Marc Lasry or emailing the administrator. Is a search on the stage such as Wohnkomplett, turnkey, with Bauhaus, Ausbauhaus, Bausatzhaus, and Starter home possible. Through the integrated list of regional and supra-regional House providers, which is continuously extended, a person interested in construction can contact directly with the supplier of his dream house. The construction Portal Hausbau24.