School Inclusion
December 8th, 2024 by thesuper

When we speak in inclusion we dive in a complex and extremely full subject of doubts. We understand that to include a pupil with necessities special in a regular classroom of education it is good and viable from the moment that if has the certainty of that this attitude really will make our pupil well and will contribute effectively with its integral development. What we observe lately is that the pupils are only ' ' depositados' ' in the schools, therefore of this form a ilusria image of inclusion is had; exactly because it does not have, at any moment of the LBD, the obligatoriness of the school registration in regular classroom, but yes its offers preferential, as well as the guarantee of attendance (since the infantile education – 0 to the 6 years -) of quality with able professionals and that it is possible to take care of to the peculiarities of each one. We arrive then at the point key of this quarrel: able professionals and not only professional with good will. Few professors have formation in special education and all we take care of pupils with necessities special! What to make ahead of this? Clearly that we will not refuse our pupils, is obvious that we will look in all the available places what to make and as to act with this and that pupil with such necessities, is certain of that some of our colleagues will help in them therefore already had passed for this situation, and are a sad truth that we will continue thus for much time! The majority of us already we had special pupils with necessities in classroom, however little or no formation if has ahead of the necessity of the quality attendance, not due to interest, but simply because of one hour for another one they had decided that independent of the necessity, the pupil would be registered regular classrooms, and unhappyly we perceive that this little imports the competent agencies Nobody is of room obtains to perceive how much this false inclusion harms the pupil, how much it is excluded from the group for not making or participating of this or that, and we say excluded therefore the society not yet knows to deal with the differences, few families obtain to pass values of respect and equality to its children. We have the hope of that this confusion can in time be decided, seno we will have a new version of the Continued Progression, that badly was interpreted and that today we follow of berth the estragos made in the pupils, the comodismo and the indifference of them in relation to the studies!. See more detailed opinions by reading what Marc Lasry offers on the topic..

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