Synopsis of the first season Gretchen Haase, after being betrayed by her boyfriend just days before her wedding, breaks her engagement and goes home to his parents. After this disappointment, faces a profound personal crisis, after which take the decision to become a surgeon. Begin working at the hospital where his father is chief. On the first day of work, he is reunited with an old high school classmate, Marc Meier, of which she spent his teenage girlfriend, but he always laughed at her plump figure, and his glasses. The hospital also knows Mehdi Kaan, a gynecologist, and nurses and Sabine Gabi, with whom he makes good friends. Dr. Kaan, initially behaves in a more elusive to her, because it has a secret, but after concerted Gretchen, the relationship is much more relaxed. Over time, Marc and Gretchen begin to be better, although he continues to behave in a sarcastic way.When she kisses him, failure is reluctant, but does not want any serious relationship. Meanwhile, Dr. Kaan, develops feelings for Gretchen, and vice-versa, although Marc is still there. Towards the end of the season will Mehdi Kaan who begins a relationship with Gretchen, although the relationship is complicated by the secrecy of the Mehdi. Marc also is in love with Gretchen, but a relationship with him is ultimately not possible for a mess he has with the nurse Gabi. Marc sees the nurse as a mess Gabi only passenger, but she is completely in love with him, to the point of border on obsession, even to get pregnant on purpose, thinking that would be more united to Marc But at the time of comubicarselo, their reaction is not expected, and requires abortion Gabi, considering that neither is prepared to be parents. When you are heading for an abortion clinic, run over a man and have to take him to hospital, but have hit hide.Finally, get save your life, but the man threatened with denunce Gabi and ruin his life because he heard Marc say they should drop. Eventually, after discussing the man is disturbed, and Gabi leaves die. After that, Gabi forces Marc to ask her in marriage, otherwise you will have the whole thing.