Jeovons Economic
Oct 10th, 2021 by thesuper

Jeovons says that (1996, p.69) ‘ ‘ we must understand for good any object, substance, action or service that are capable to provide pleasure or to move away suffering (). Everything what is capable to generate pleasure or to prevent suffering can possess utilidade.’ ‘ If on the other hand the indiscriminate exploration of the environment is necessary for the maintenance of an annihilating economic system that introduced the consumerism as rule in the modern societies, these same modern societies that if they hold as irrationals need to understand the utility to keep the life existing as useful and pleasant for supplying conditions of life without suffering. The utility is in the perception of or as required indispensable object for the satisfaction, Jeovons (Pp. 72? 73) understand that ‘ ‘ () the utility, although to be a quality of the things, it is not an inherent quality. It is defined better as a circumstance of the things that appears of relation of these with the requirements of homem.’ ‘ In this manner, the circumstances are important to define what it is or not useful, being that the utility is related to the satisfaction. Ahead of the survival necessity the human being to see itself in a constant search of pleasure as half to prevent suffering. The sufferings happen of the threats proceeding from the ambient possibilities of the collapse, that can more real and be perceived with the amplification of the exhaustion of the natural resources, of the emergency of economic measures that favor the production without the exhaustion of the environment. The current world passes for an ambient collapse, this is a historical circumstance that can draw out or be brightened up with action economic politics and, is not possible to save the Land only with some dozens of ambientalistas and ecologists crying out for true and compromised justice with the life.

The participation of all is necessary the human beings that inhabit the planet Land, therefore ahead of as many problems impression that we have is that many human beings understand the planet Land as a foreign planet where ambient problems are happening only in the yard of that they are compromised to the aggression and the death penalty that is being imposed for the current predatory system economic, that is, the problem is of my neighbor when in the truth none does not have fronteia separating the effect of the destruction of the environment of who believes naive is of the reach of the consequncias of this ambient destruction.

Forest Club
Aug 14th, 2021 by thesuper

We notice the concern in if limiting the areas that must be preserved, what the man must conserve, not to destroy, thus keeping one balance to the environment. The Member of the house of representatives Aldo Rebelo presented a project of law of n. 1876/99, that he has as objective the flexibilizao of the norms, with substantial changes.

‘ ‘ Changes proposals for the reform: 1? They foresee that areas of permanent preservation, the APPs, do not need to be recouped of the suffered deforestation. 2 – The reduction of 30 for 15 meters the extension of edges of rivers 3? Reduction of 30 for 20 years the stated period for the recompor producer 4 deforested areas – Suspension of the penalties for agricultural producers that had committed ambient crimes until July of 2008, amongst others. The Project of law disrespects the function of the APP, what it will be able to cause greaters erosions and damages, modified the system of responsabilizao of the areas that had been destroyed, diminished the bands of protection in the edges of the rivers and gave autonomy to the States to legislate in agreement its necessities. This cited in agreement project already still foresees amnesty for that they had deforested illegally until July of 2008, what it is unacceptable, they would have that recompor and to pay fines for the abuse, but it was facilitated of all the forms and with this who leaves losing is people who had followed the law correctly. ‘ ‘ The Member of the house of representatives Aldo Rebelo affirmed that this project was fruit of its certainties and that institutions had been ouvidas’ ‘. He remains to know us if he exactly had the concern with the environment, the environment and the life, the quality that we will have, with what will be affected. She will be that siderurgical companies who use vegetal coal will continue to be obliged to keep proper forests for the exploration? In the Forest Code this obligation this explicit one in its article 21.

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