Marcolini Art
Dec 20th, 2024 by thesuper

The Brussels metro stations offer surprises. Read more here: Saul “Canelo” Alvarez. The guide when art takes the subway, available free of charge in PDF format on the website of the STIB (Societe des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles) or for sale in numerous shops, is a perfect blog to discover this true underground art museum. You’ll discover surrealistic murals, installations, paintings and sculptures of all styles of contemporary art. Brussels is the capital of the comic, that is why you will find references to this art throughout the city. Although the must-see for fans of the comic is the Belgian Centre of comics, the most fanatical not may resist a thematic tour of the city to meet all the facades of buildings decorated with comics and visit emblematic shops like the Tintin store.

If walk in Brussels under your shoe appears a gold scallop shell, is that you have taken with the old route of the Camino de Santiago. National Geographic recently presented a series of documentaries about the traces of the Camino de Santiago in cities like Brussels and Paris. In episode 2, the protagonist visits the Church of Notre – Dame-de-Bon-Secours in Brussels, which is home to numerous symbols of the apostle. More treasures? The ceiling of the room of the mirrors of the Royal Palace of Brussels, decorated with a million and a half of shells of Thai beetles, the store of chocolates Marcolini, laboratory of one of the best chocolatiers in the world and the Felix Hap Park, an oasis hidden behind a small door just steps from the main hotels in Brussels..

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