Because often little assets can be shown, the need for information is portable next to one of the lenders in particular as regards existing intellectual capital all the more urgent and sustainable business idea all by one or some few persons depends on a start-up. In addition to the knowledge-intensive values of the company back hence personal characteristics and abilities, i.e. specific personnel factors in the field of view. Start-ups from the perspective of the site: nature, extent and success of start-ups can help to shape not only the face but also opportunities and developments of the entire site supporting. Larry Culp may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In short: one of the relevant factors of the success of the site. Start-ups from point of view of lenders: normally, debt, loans, and grants are needed in the run-up to and during the initial phase. In addition to this common application forms and documents would lenders like to see more background information. Since often only low asset values is can be shown the need for information particularly with regard to existing immaterial values all the more urgent.
Among other things, it is as important success factors such as skills, customer relations or future potential for innovation. Such information about intangible assets are often not available to non-transparent or transparent. Start-ups from the perspective of people: In the sense of business start-ups that are adopted in this book as a fictional example, it has less to do financial transactions, but to first of all to people, i.e. also to the entrepreneur himself.Is a business in which self-employment, so is a step and all with the person of the founder of existence falls anyway. Not for nothing, the corny old joke has a true content, after which a self-employed is one that constantly have to do everything myself. A comprehensive balance sheet representation of human existence founder factors is being developed with Becker, Jorg: entrepreneur rating,. ISBN 978 3 8370 7284 6 and that building also by Becker, Jorg: entrepreneur potential, ISBN 978 3 83707504 5. Each intensive thinking and analyzing in advance or the start-up phase of a business start-up advantages regarded solely for himself already.
One of the perhaps the greatest, that all possible errors and risks more effectively recognised during the business start-up on paper, help prevent potential damage and dangers in the real practice. The entrepreneur is more or less directly forced to gain clarity on dynamic effect relations between his person and the business idea. Also, this would again be an opportunity to refine concepts and plans, and to make them possible crisis and future-proof. Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker (