Improtopia – Festival Of Improvising
Oct 14th, 2021 by thesuper

Varied programme and plenty of improvisation Theatre in Emmendingen Emmendingen dominated completely by November 7th-9th, 2013 of the theatrical art of improvising. Theatre groups from Berlin, Hamburg, and Constance UNABASHEDLY characterize a so far unprecedented event Improtopia, a Festival of the Improtheaters together with the local Improgruppe. But why the town province? It has a somewhat longer history “, so Dieter Frick, organizer and initiator of the Festival. The entire region of South Baden ring is very strong commitment in terms of Improv theater. The interest in this type of theatre playing is very high and in the meantime also very popular with us. This resulted in numerous contacts with Improgruppen from all over Germany, are grown and strengthened over the years. Together, we wanted to organize something new, creative and so originated the plan to Inprotopia.” Dieter Frick is actively supported by the Improtopia Association, which seeks is to bring the theatrical form of improvising a broad public. The This three day program provides a varied combination of entertaining performances, as well as informative workshops.

“Known groups from Germany, such as the gorillas from Berlin, katabatic winds from Hamburg and Impro Theatre Konstanz will together with the host UNABASHEDLY three evenings clamping-terminated Impro duels supply and with the Improtopia”, awarded the trophy of improvised theatre art. In addition to these exciting ideas, different workshops for all interested parties take place on three days. Taster courses to special issues to the renowned coach trivia, tips and tricks and informative on the subject of art of improvisation show not only a form of theatre”. After this completed days party is with good music, live acts and culinary treats every evening. Improtopia promises supported by numerous companies in Emmendingen and the city administration becoming an event involving visitors far beyond the regional borders of Emmendingen. Registration and details at contact Improtopia e.V. Lerchenweg 6 79312 Emmendingen 07641 936348.

Benjamin Blumchen
Sep 10th, 2019 by thesuper

Sunday, February 10, 2013, 15:30, Stadthalle Magdeburg Germany’s most popular talking elephant, Benjamin Blumchen, celebrated 2012 his 35th birthday with lots of dancing, music and of course with a strong Torooo! “” And to mark this anniversary, there are flowers after the two Benjamin Cocomico successful musicals”and Benjamin Blumchen and the Golden Cat” a particularly colourful event: Benjamin flower Torooo in the Zoo! “the songs theatre to join for the whole family! Along with Benjamin and his friends all small and big guests can on Sunday, February 10th, 2013 at the Stadthalle Magdeburg, sing, dance and laugh while you experience a whole day in the Neustadt Zoo and learn the most incredible things! Who, other than the animals, still lives in the Neustadt Zoo? Must guard Karl before the animals be awake to? What do the zoo animals, before the visitors come? There is also a beautiful playground in Neustadt Zoo? If a New Zoo animal arrives, who prepared the compound? What is actually Benjamin Blumchen when Zoo visitors go home? He probably reads or plays better football? These and many other never asked questions are answered in the show with elephant astischen new songs and rousing dance routines. “The calls by Karla Kolumna are certainly the highlight of the event” and Benjamin flower “to the Kangaroo hop and Benjamin-rap, because when these two dances it holds no child on his chair, each would like to sing along with and dance. More should not be betrayed, only so much – of course the theme friendship plays a very important role and it also reflects great surprises with our favorite elephant. “The colorful Benjamin Blumchen live show Torooo in the Zoo!” is a memorable and fun experience for the whole family!.

Entertaiment Berlin: Ursli And Toni Pfister
Nov 8th, 2018 by thesuper

“Servus Peter oh la la Mirelle” with “Jo Roloff trio” 01 Nov Dec 31, 2012, MI SA 20:00, 19:00 except 16 Nov, 7th and 14th Dec on 31 Dec you are adorably funny, around 7: 00 pm racing with perfect and entertainer from finest format: Ursli and Toni Pfister. The brothers take two big pop heaven in the sight in her show: Peter Alexander and Mireille Mathieu. Ursli and Toni Pfister are casual and naughty. They stand for Schlager stimulant to, lard howling on and winking charm. So it just a matter of time until the two showbiz professionals devote an entire evening the Jack-of-all-trades from Vienna and the Nightingale of Avignon.

Finally heard for decades almost to the family a television Saturday evening without her was simply unthinkable! “Hits like the little pub” or Acropolis adieu “moments of pure happiness and most beautiful satisfaction gave an entire generation. This applies to give it back now! And so give a look behind the scenes Ursli and Toni Pfister for you and us to take with us to Vienna and Paris and be sure also the one or the other surprise guest may welcome. “With Christoph Marti (Ursli Pfister), Tobias Bonn (Toni Pfister), Johannes Roloff (piano and musical director), Jurgen Speedy” Schafer (bass) and immo here performed in cabaret, as simple, as two Hanson (drums) and entertainment in the 1970s was presented but also tense. … These insights and truths that lead the heartache and Tralala evening in highest organising are.” Berliner Morgenpost, May 20, 2011 for more information see card phone 030-883 15 82 or cards including all fees: Presale 34.50 / 39.50 box-office 29.

ITB Leisure Trend Forum
Apr 23rd, 2014 by thesuper

On the 6 March 2013 in Hall 4.1 on the growth market of the ITB leisure: experts discuss latest trends on the ITB of the leisure market is the largest growth market in Europe and with value creation potential of 300 billion euros of one of the biggest factors of economy in Germany. Then, the leisure market is experiencing a radical change, which is supported by a change in the value of the customer. The scarcity of time and attention, comfort and holistic well-being dominate in the consumer world. To deepen this topic, Sylvia Dinter by the SD Group initiated together with Prof. Dr. Heike Bahre, Professor economics / tourism and event management at the bbw University of Berlin, the 3. ITB LEISURE TREND FORUM, which is held on the 6th of March 2013 from 14:00 to 16:00 on the main stage of Hall 4.1 of the ITB. In this expert forum to the growth market recognizable trends and developments in the current leisure industry are leisure with well-known guests from business and science discussed.

Where is the journey going? The ITB 2013 it will show! The economic situation in Europe affects the tourism industry of the continent very differently. But the ITB World travel trend report shows that the development is positive overall. So, the Europeans will undertake 2013 even more trips abroad. At the same time, Europe can enjoy more visits by extra-European travellers. More knowledge of the report: it attracts Europeans increasingly in distant lands. So the long-haul travel increased last year by about four percent.

In line with the trend in particular North and South America and the Asia Pacific region, are a plus two or even around eight per cent achieved. In contrast, trips in goals within Europe and the Mediterranean by only two percent rose. As a lifestyle product the most important part in the holiday, whether long-haul or trip to Europe, the feel-good factor is feel-good factor.

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