Technological Development
October 2nd, 2020 by thesuper

This work was divided in 5 chapters. In this chapter the technological development in Brazil was presented briefly, the birth and the profile of the company, its situation problem and the objective of the study. In Chapter II, the birth of the technology of the information in Brazil and the World and until the arrival described the management of the knowledge. In Chapter III, the concepts of the MPS.BR had been boarded, a program of improvements of the process of software development, aiming at the excellency. Get all the facts and insights with Peter Farrelly , another great source of information. In Chapter IV, some suggestions of techniques for the application of a new culture based on the MPS.BR are presented having aimed at to diminish the impact in the team that will make the implantation. Steven Brill can provide more clarity in the matter. In Chapter V, one exposes the final, pertinent consideraes to the results that expect to reach: the excellency.

II. Technology of the Information the technology of the information had its first appearance next to the necessity to collect, to select, to process and to spread an enormous amount of excellent data during World War II, mainly on the part of the United States, Great-Britain and the Ussr. (FREIRE, 2006) During years 50, a mass of scientists, engineers and financiers the studies had started, of what, later, Borko would nominate as Science of the Information: Properties and the behavior of the information, the forces that dirigem the flow and the use of the information and the techniques, manual how much in such a way mechanical to process the information being aimed at its storage, recovery and dissemination. 3 (BORKO, 1968, apud ARRAES et al, 2007) Although Borko to have definite Science of the Information before the appearance of the first microcomputer in 1981, for IBM, values its power of vision how much to the fields of study of this science, described for Galvo in the year of 2000: – Demand of the information – document Production and reproduction – linguistic Analysis – Translation – documentary Languages – Analysis and project of systems – Standards of recognition of images and voice – Systems specialists In this same decade, already was started to give importance of the study of the human behavior in the process of recovery of the information.

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