The Catholic Worker
August 3rd, 2009 by thesuper

In 1933 thirteen million were unemployed stock market in the U.S.. “Everyday there sacked. The men lost their heritage because they could not pay the rent. Dorothy’s encounter with Peter Maurin was essential. He began to “indoctrinate” and so on May 1, 1933, while 50,000 people roamed New York, to oppose the Nazi threat, appears the first issue of the Catholic Worker ‘The Catholic Worker. ” The newspaper cost a buy stock penny to dollar, stock contained reports of strikes, analysis, child labor, strikes by farmers, described appalling conditions in the payment of price stock wages to blacks, easy to read articles and dozens of messages about a society where men are comfortable.
The Catholic Worker, with their enthusiasm and clear language fell like a bomb. Initial number of 2,500 copies were printed at the end of year 100,000 were sold stock quote in 1936 amounted to 150,000.

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