To Be Sold Must Be In Sight Of All
January 27th, 2015 by thesuper

Madrid, 11/10/09. mundoFranquicia alternative media (the agency specialized in strategically position products in different media) and Consulting (expert advice and consultancy to franchise company) have been uploaded to the same cart so the flags to make use of television, film and Internet as promotional vehicles and the best goals to reach: the gain notoriety and clientele. And it is that both companies know that to stand out and be known should always be in view of potential customers. Today to a franchise with a desire to grow not just him a simple advertising campaign. You need to use innovative and effective campaigns to sell your brand and position against the competition. And to achieve this end must adapt to new formulas for promotion, explains Mariano Alonso, Socio Director General of mundoFranquicia Consulting. The brands that succeed and Excel do so because they speak directly to your target audience, without detours, added Alberto Espanol, partner Director General of alternative media. They are aware that we have to be there in view of potential customers where they are.

A visibility that is never improvised but to be the talk of the target audience before to do a thorough job. You have to study each promotional campaign of the franchise or positioning of your product that is going to get underway because it isn’t the same thing appear in one support that in another. Then it moves to develop a creative proposal, says Spanish. With this agreement, the flags will be able to place your brand, see the use of its products and convey its values, within any number of television and at very competitive prices. It is what is known as product placement, or as like to say to the directing of alternative media, integration into content. Something that is fundamental for Alonso. We want to invite the franchises to integrate your brands, products or concepts in television series, movies or programs so that the client recognizes and is familiar with the brand.

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