Rather, they inspire us with horror. " The piquancy of the situation with is that it seems the British have swallowed the pill, not even wincing. Anecdotal same situation is that precisely because of the Englishman, and for centuries before the writing of Vercors parsed his book, "This kind of definition" is given. And there was this Englishman, the great poet, playwright and philosopher William Shakespeare, whose other snobby Frenchman – Voltaire, according to Goethe called "the drunken barbarian." And precisely because this respect, that is, to understand Shakespeare, and French and English – "two boots," to really understand Shakespeare's only Russian. Although the book parsed J. Vercors William Shakespeare is mentioned and even quoted, it is difficult to draw idea of how the author was familiar with the work of the great Englishman, whether he had read Shakespeare in the original or in translation.
And if it is true only recently, that means almost Vercors Shakespeare did not know what it knows and almost nobody in the world. Probably the vast majority of French people are introduced, such as "Hamlet" only in the translation of Victor Hugo, who is not more "talented" than any Russian translation. This is evident in the translation of Hugo Hamlet's last words at the end of the first act, as far from the original meaning, like all well-known Russian translation: Notre epoque est detraquee. Maudite fatalite, que je sois jamais ne pour la remettre en ordre! Eh bien! allons! partons ensemble! But especially for expressing the essence of Shakespeare's opening words Hamlet picks it with the spoon Osric in the second scene of the fifth act of the tragedy: …