Let's answer five questions that need to ask ourselves before we learn a foreign language. 1. Why you need to know a foreign language for you personally? Possession of any foreign language, and especially English, highly valued in the modern labor market. One fact you have knowledge of foreign languages greatly increases the probability of finding a job or just a perk. 2. Found to be in a foreign language? K foreign language should be treated not simply as a means of communication, but as a means of communication to resolve the vitally important tasks.
3. What should be the age to better absorb the material? The answer is simple – in an age in which You have not lost the ability to learn. This means that at any age – from preschool to retirement, with this knowledge you'll definitely come in handy. 4. Where to study? With the children's simple – they are learning the language in kindergartens, schools and universities. Successful or not – is another question. What remains to adults that are loaded every day from morning till evening? Paid foreign language courses or tutor.
However, it happens that because of the circumstances, you can not go on courses or tutor. 5. How much time do I devote to its study. Unlimited time, or – every day is painted by the minute. And maybe some of your responses coincide with the following: – I will have more freedom and opportunity for career growth – will be able to move into the country had been dreaming all my life – my favorite people – from other countries – could earn more money – want to read Byron in the original – while on holiday abroad at the I will not have a language barrier – I want to watch movies without duplication, BUT: – I can not take the time to travel to courses in English – I would like to learn English at home, between dinner and bedtime – do not want to engage in a group – need to know English is not only himself, but all family members – no money for a tutor. If your answer is at least 50% identical to the proposed – knowledge of foreign languages you'll become a must.