Apple Warns Its Distributors Future Shortage of Macs and IPods
Sep 7th, 2008 by thesuper

Following the launch of 3G iPhone, Apple has turned its gaze to any of its other products and prepares allegedly launching new MacBooks and iPods while ceases to be consuming the current product stocks. In a communication to the sales channel is warning the decline of manufacturing iPods and some Apple laptops which will result in lack of product.

Apple suggesting to dealers that make collecting product throughout August, the most popular iPod for the next 4 weeks, because it from within 7 days, the availability of any of them will be scarce.

The Bag Mexico Opens with a Modest Gain of 0.47%
Sep 1st, 2008 by thesuper

Reuters – Mexico, July 14 (EFE) The price index and Quotes (CPI), the main indicator of the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), reported today a moderate gain of 128.72 points (0.47% ) In the opening stages of the meeting, to be in 27.743,26 units.
Read more – popular: Las Vegas Condos

Crude Fell to 124 Dollars, Tropical Storm Imminent
Sep 1st, 2008 by thesuper

Reuters – London (Reuters) – The crude fell to 124 dollars a barrel on Monday, pressured slightly by evidence of increasing OPEC production, but underpinned by concerns about supply interruptions because a tropical storm threatens U.S. oil installations in the Gulf of Mexico.
Learn more – information: Las Vegas Real Estate

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