Science is a form to arrive at the scientific knowledge, that has a method (it distinguishes it to this of the rest of the knowledge forms), whose essence it is the hypothesis contrast; therefore, so that a hypothesis is scientist must be susceptible to be falsified. One of the main elements that distinguish to the scientific knowledge of the other knowledge, is " Mtodo" (joint of rules accepted by the scientific community). The scientific knowledge is hypothesis and contrast. Factual sciences that is to say: Biology, sociology, history, the physics, chemistry, needs the observation and the experimentation. They are based on the reality of the facts. The falsacin occurs in the reality. Formal sciences like mathematical and the logic, do not need experimentation because they occur to rational level. The falsacin occurs in the reasoning. Characteristics of " Cientfico" knowledge;: 1) must be " Racional" ; science is a set of ideas; 2) it must be " Objetivo" , it tries to verify the ideas that we have of the facts; 3) " hechos" extends; , part of the thickness of the facts discards the facts that are superfluous; it selects those that think that they are excellent, explains in terms of laws and theories; 4) " Analtico" , it disturbs the reality in parts, it distinguishes his different parts; 5) " Especializada" , one specializes in different parts from the reality; 6) " Claro and Preciso" ; he is not vague nor superficial; 7) " Contrastable" , the mechanisms of the contrast are: the verification or the verification; it must formulate a hypothesis and to look for its verification or verification and the falsacin must formulate a hypothesis and try to falsify it; " Comunicable" , it is possible to be expressed and to be made arrive at the others; 9) " Metdico" , it is glided and coherent; 10) " General" , the generalization tries towards the set; 11) " Legal" , it tries to structure laws; 12) " Explicativa" , why and how? , the phenomena happen; 13) " Predice" , it can act on the reality; 14) " Abierto" , always it is in the hope of new things that to perhaps demonstrate us, that what until now is correct no longer is it.
It has been winning by its capacity to conjugate a determined one and it jeopardize putting in scene and a global text that connects with the Iberian tradition of the absurdity, through a contemporary language of great poetic load, make clear in 2009 in the spectacle Future late. Also, in the category of infantile and youthful theater it has been distinguished the Aracaladanza Company, awarded by his commitment with the scenic arts for the childhood and youth; by its work in the scope of the theater-dance, based on a visual and poetic dramatic art that the infantile public approaches the new languages and by their aesthetic exigency. Brother prizes of Circus Alvarez are the awarded ones of this category by the high quality of their number of equilibristas in the technique of double elastic cord, and by its opening to the new forms of circus expression, as much in their own artistic creation like in spectacles that have promoted from the Circus Sensations. Prize of Photography Jose Manuel Ballester (Madrid, 1960) has been awarded by its trajectory personal, coming from the plastic arts and crystallized with rigor in the field of the photography, by their singular interpretation of the architectonic space and the light, and by its outstanding contribution to the renovation of the photographic techniques. Prize of fashionable Design Paco Rabanne (Passages, Guip’uzcoa, 1934) has been awarded for being more universal the alive fashionable designer Spanish; by its innovation and its contribution to all the scopes of the culture of century XX, creating a new concept that escapes to any conventional classification, when turning the fashion into plastic expression of its time.
Prize of Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Goods Rafael Alonso, restaurador of the Museum of the Prado, has been distinguished by its exemplary professional race of restaurador and its specialization in the technical knowledge of the work of the Greco one, which has turned to him into one of national and international maximums rrentes of the work of this artist. National prize of Television the prize is outstanding the miniseries 23-F, the most difficult day of the King (miniseries), who emitted RTVE, to the recreated salary historical events with high level of exigency and ample acceptance of the hearing. Also Sawing Ibaez Narcissus (1935, Montevideo, Uruguay) has been recognized by its exceptional relevance like creator of a permanent televising language. Source of the news: They are the new National Prizes of the Culture.
Before men used to whistle in the street, I remember. You could link the melodies corner to corner in Banfield through random crosses, make your own composition. What happens now is different: there is music everywhere, cable music, of course. Also now you can play to link the fringes you hear, join the music of an establishment on the below and make a sound long line of small fragments together.
I do not criticize negatively our time, you know I’m not a nostalgic, never took refuge in these memories I have and I like to keep. But it is true that there seems little sense to join these pieces of music nowadays when the music in either setting is the same, generated by the same company. It is easy then to play now as then lost in the city, but get bored of this game given the situation is even more simple … a I met a man in Tokyo making music using the sound bites that he recorded in streets. I heard the melodies of the protesters joined the noise of the city works, the voices in unison in a sports stadium juxtaposed with traffic lights or beeps of the rhythms of a video game, the bustle in a quiet shopping center or a cemetery for animals. Clearly, there are always other ways, che. And escuchaa a So while July continued talking and then I listened to him we were moving, moving out of the room, one by one all the furniture and objects. There were stains on the wall, and a network of fine cracks going up and down undecided going from side to side.