Christmas Vacation And Stress
Mar 22nd, 2018 by thesuper

Antioxidants are common vitamins and trace elements which must be taken with food. But are the body available in situations of stress or not sufficiently healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables not getting enough antioxidants. Therefore they are recommended to in the form of tablets. An experimental study has once again confirmed the benefits of this measure. The researchers studied the protective effect of vitamin C and during physical exertion by swimming. In red blood cells, as well as in heart tissue vitamins have strengthened the antioxidant defenses and keeps the cells from damage by free radicals. From her research, the researchers conclude that stress the body C and should be supplied enough vitamin.

Pharmacist Bernd Ulrich, the Liebig-apotheke in Friedberg encourages clients CorVitum. CorVitum contains vitamin C and in clinically proven dosage, it releases delay these vitamins and must therefore only 2 x be taken daily. It is also very inexpensive. Only 32 cents cost a day of heart and vessels from oxidative stress with CorVitum .” CorVitum is available in pharmacies or good health centres. Due to the unique composition of the products of Navitum Pharma not by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable.

Each pharmacy as any customer can CorVitum directly at Navitum Pharma shipping 0611 58939458 order.

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