Alcohol poisoning, accidents, beatings or sexual assault occur frequently as negative effects of alcohol consumption in the Carnival. Alcohol prevention is necessary at this time, which is why the addiction prevention working group under the theme of celebrations held REI(h)Ern”by the 28.01 11.02.2013 performs action days in Mulheim an der Ruhr. The days of action aims”to inform so Norbert Cate ha of the ginko Foundation for prevention, young people about the consequences of alcohol consumption and to contribute to the reduction of alcohol abuse. How important are these activities the town Mulheim is also to recognize that the Lord Mayor Dagmar mill field of the city of Mulheim an der Ruhr has assumed the patronage over the days of action. According to recent studies by the Federal Centre for health education (BZgA), there are successes in prevention. General alcohol consumption among young people is declining consumption of spirits, sometimes in combination, risky drinking rituals such as backpack – or bucket drinking, is still questionable.
The number of hospital admissions caused by alcohol poisoning goes down easily, but is at a high level. Preventive activities are necessary, where the interaction of various professional institutions such as school, addiction prevention, police and regulatory authorities is essential. In addition to the individual consumer reasons, group-related practices play an important role for alcohol consumption by young people. For the prevention according to the statutory provisions by shops, restaurants and also parents is an important structural role in addition also. Under the motto parties instead of herons”therefore in Mulheim special instructions at points of sale and alcohol drinking youths approached during the Karnevalszugs. As a contribution to road safety young novice are informed specifically effects and consequences of alcohol consumption in road transport. ALK course”the land campaign has always an addiction Pupils can deal intense history”with various aspects of the theme of alcohol.
Experience-oriented it can with flirting, legal issues surrounding parties, physical impact, perception and movement disorders in the intoxication, etc. employ and to constructive engagement so excited. The subject of alcohol is cultural-educational and others with the Blue Man theatre piece”or picked up with the reading of a youth book and a film project specifically for young people. More actions such as an information event for parents, a driving simulator, or non-alcoholic cocktails round out the offerings and to have fun while celebrating during the Carnival. Moreover, information cards on the subject of alcohol “notes, how does alcohol in the body and what negative consequences cause he can give film tear” over aggression and sexual assaults to the alcohol poisoning-the info-cards available free of charge from the ginko Foundation for prevention or be against takeover Shipping is sent out. They are suitable for distribution and to the delivery in discos and clubs.