Conciliation Family Work And College
Mar 23rd, 2013 by thesuper

Every day, working life within a company requires that families have to pass more separate hours, nobody works today less than 8 hours, and adding the hours that one employs to travel from home to work, we must have an average of 10 hours a day outside our homes and away from our children. Would I not be ideal that we can at least arrive at our homes and feel that the children have had a happy day full of educational and fun activities and games? This, would make it worth all the effort that we do in every day. There are many ways to make our children feel good and even we feel reassured and confident in what we do the best for them. At the start of the day, a good option for those parents who must leave very early their children in school, there are programs called the first Cole, this is one of the school’s activities more profits reported since it is not only of great help to families in a matter of hours, but enterprises of extracurricular activities that provide these programs, put at the disposal of schools quality breakfasts and an attractive activities proposal for these early schedules. All activities of this type have a team of professionals who guarantee that your children will be in a pleasant and at the same time educational environment to start the day. In general, these services begin to operate from 7: 30 am until the time of commencement of classes, where children, apart from breakfast, make recreational activities to begin the day more attractive and entertaining. I think this is a good option to begin to reconcile between the school and work schedules and in this way our children have every morning breakfast healthy and fun. Original author and source of the article.

The Complaint
Mar 1st, 2013 by thesuper

Babies of these mothers are exposed to hormones of stress, toxins, and poor nutrition in the interior of the womb, by poor nutrition and emotional state of the mother. The mistreatment of women during pregnancy cause more birth defects than diseases for which children are immunized. Abuse during pregnancy increases the risk of the baby being born with low weight, prematurely, or die… Violence already installed, in your partner and with ongoing pregnancy you must find external and professional help (therapeutic care, social services, and so on). Report and free Audios. First steps to overcome the emotional violence in couples. Click here. We also wonder why many women suffer this violence staying next to the aggressor. This situation can be attributed to various reasons (and these are compelling reasons, important and often paralyze to battered women): 1. economic (monetary dependence of husband) 2. social (the opinion of others, which will tell the relatives, neighbors, friends, etc.) 3 family (maybe to protect other children of this couple) 4. physical (exhaustion felt by) suffer so much stress for violence and even more so in the women who also work as in the case of the example above) 5. psicologicas(la baja autoestima, la verguenza, el miedo, la resistencia a reconocer el fracaso de la relacion, la dependencia emocional, etcetera) 6. the futuro(precariedad economica, falta de apoyo familiar y social, problemas de vivienda, porvenir incierto de los hijos, etcetera) fear is for all this that many women, even pregnant women, remain for a long time in a situation of abuse, and the complaint or the request for aid to welfare services coincide with a critical moment in the family (e.g., separation or extension of violence to children)What happens in almost 50% of cases). For all this, I again repeat that you must begin treatments to eradicate the emotional violence in your partner from the beginning, this is the way to take in the matter and avoid that it grow and transform in physical violence, and have for example that live sad pregnancies, with fear and risk for the baby and it. Begins to assess yourself, you are worth much as a woman, as a person, you can exit the violence, do not be afraid!, you regain your self-esteem and leave the State of violence in your life. Seek help professional, judicial, which OS, and meanwhile you don’t have pity. Not you heches guilt for things you did or you didn’t, nor let that other person come to accuse you or bring you memories of errors or failures. Your can change your life! Don’t only carry negative feelings. Gritate yourself enough! It ignores the negative thoughts, you identify thoughts that limit you.

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