Every day, working life within a company requires that families have to pass more separate hours, nobody works today less than 8 hours, and adding the hours that one employs to travel from home to work, we must have an average of 10 hours a day outside our homes and away from our children. Would I not be ideal that we can at least arrive at our homes and feel that the children have had a happy day full of educational and fun activities and games? This, would make it worth all the effort that we do in every day. There are many ways to make our children feel good and even we feel reassured and confident in what we do the best for them. At the start of the day, a good option for those parents who must leave very early their children in school, there are programs called the first Cole, this is one of the school’s activities more profits reported since it is not only of great help to families in a matter of hours, but enterprises of extracurricular activities that provide these programs, put at the disposal of schools quality breakfasts and an attractive activities proposal for these early schedules. All activities of this type have a team of professionals who guarantee that your children will be in a pleasant and at the same time educational environment to start the day. In general, these services begin to operate from 7: 30 am until the time of commencement of classes, where children, apart from breakfast, make recreational activities to begin the day more attractive and entertaining. I think this is a good option to begin to reconcile between the school and work schedules and in this way our children have every morning breakfast healthy and fun. Original author and source of the article.