Complex, high-end projects Tend to be one-of-a-kind designs, likely to include details that are unfamiliar to the construction trades. They are generally complex, with often unforgiving, technical requirements.In addition to these pragmatic demands, they are often geometrically challenging, which adds more layers of complexity. It is incumbent upon the production team to acknowledge these factors and project approach documentation with more creativity, rigor and discipline than what may be required for more predictable and repetitive typologies. A carefully considered approach to documentation should endeavor to insure that evolve in a linear details and thorough manner. John has achieve this by insisting on a study of assemblies in the early stages of project documentation. A compellation of assemblies completed upon the completion of the design development phase satisfies several objectives: It insures understanding and acceptance by all team members prior to initiation of the production of construction document. It Allows for accurate unit pricing. It Full Version senior staff to develop and vet the assemblies Resulting in a technical foundation that can integrate more junior staff without equivocation into the construction documents. Project design and information regarding the assemblies are self edifying. To the greatest extent possible, John advocates developing these assemblies in a design-assist environment, with input from the building trades. Additionally, John is a Proponent of producing drawings that are, to the greatest extent reasonably possible, illustrative. The illustrative nature of well-though-out assemblies will have the effect of demystifying perceived complexity and or unbuildability. The creative and skillful use of Building Information Modeling has the potential to greatly Facilitate a new generation of highly illusttrative documents. Illustrated above (click to enlarge): Left: An example of an early, illustrative detail Proposing an assembly and installation methodology for stone cladding on the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Right: A sample assembly cut-sheet.