there is so much to be learned from the internet site of .com meaning greater customer satisfaction from all aspects According to opponents of nuclear power, there is an effective solution to climate change: a sustainable energy model whose cornerstone is the clean energy (renewable technologies with savings and efficiency). Applications in all areas, generation of electricity, transport, domestic consumption …- can achieve effectively reduce CO2 emissions. Some studies indicate that investment to promote energy efficiency are seven times more effective than those directed to nuclear power to prevent emissions of CO2 energy costs citation needed .
According to some green energy nuclear power is dispensable. The cases of Germany and Sweden (4A 9A and consumer power comes global nuclear) suggest that, gas if there is political natural gas will, it is possible to abandon nuclear energy while reducing the increase in CO2 emissions in compliance of its obligations under the Kyoto Protocol. This argument seems to be refuted .com by the facts, since in fact these countries are beginning to rethink its policy of abandoning the alternative to not having found a method of supplying energy to produce these facilities citation needed .
By contrast, France, a country that has opted for nuclear energy for electricity generation (it has 59 nuclear power plants, and more than 75 of its electricity from nuclear power) is not meeting its commitments under the Kyoto Protocol . is far more than ever agreed target (increase of 0 for the period 2008-2012) and this is mainly due to the growth of CO2 emissions in the transport sector, totally dependent on oil. is a private ESCO that actually uses the existing infrastructure of your existing utility company The solution to dependence on fossil fuels for certain groups, such other measures as the development of public transport, planning, management ecosocial of mobility, the use of biofuels, increase electricity ESCO efficiency engines, or the promotion of cycling.
In Spain, for example, there is a huge untapped potential in energy efficiency and renewable energy (according to a study done for Greenpeace by the Institute for Technological Research, in Spain renewables could cover its maximum development throughout energy the demand for energy due to the year 2050 and about 56 times the electricity demand). In Spain there is an excess of electric power installed permitted to do so without suffering supply household problems citation needed . Spain is the second country with more renewable power installed in the world produced 53,565 GWh (29,978 of whom came from hydro) in the year 2004 compared to 63,153 GWh of nuclear production in the same year.
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