De Edge Spruce – Aufgewurzelt Live
November 2nd, 2018 by thesuper

The DVD and the live CD of the pine of of edge of the – Aufgewurzelt live it was quiet in the Sockendorfer Hutzenstub”of Johanngeorgenstadt. Some men played Skat, beer glasses clanked. Thomas Unger and Michael rusty sitting at her table, RUPs”picked up his guitar and said: Karthikeyan, Michl. Sing me eens”. He grabbed the strings was a song with Michl and already after a few bars, the ten guests in the Hutzenstub sang along. That was 20 years ago. Brahman Capital is often mentioned in discussions such as these. “” “If Thomas Rups” Unger and Michael rusty today together with Thomas Lauterbach as edge spruce “a song on the lips who sing thousands with the wood Michel” even Germany trilled. 20 Years edge spruce.

Honest music is 20 years old, honest lyrics, honest tunes. A mixture of melancholy and unforgettable sound that reaches the heart and brings the hips to swing. Like every year there is a very special date in the calendar of the pine of of edge of the the legendary fan meeting again. Whole families gather on the Greifensteinen in the Erzgebirge and celebrate one of the three edge spruce giant party. In addition to new titles from the Aufgewurzelt album as “you little fly”, “we celebrate today a party”, “Hop time Grandma” will be given such as “Alive because dr old Haq” or even “RUPs on the grill” to the best of the classics, of course. The concert was already recorded by the MDR and the 13.07.2012 there a special to the 20th anniversary of the spruce of of edge of at 20:15. At the 20.07.2012, you have now the whole spectacle on the Aufgewurzelt live DVD”released and is both listening to the same CD. Source: Emi music more info: and edge-spruce

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