Increase company of lead generation, better lead and customer nurturing, higher customer retention through use website. The company to use the website only for lead generation is waste if loyalty is possible. London, March 2009 LEADSExplorer Web service that your online visitors identified with business name available provided by Engago Technologies Ltd., generate more leads, better lead nurturing and customer retention. Lead generation: all websites use to drive various methods and systems to visitor traffic to their website by various types and sources: advertising, online advertising, directories, press communications, if people have clicked on the link, the visitor himself must take measures to contact the company using the contact information or an online form. However, only 2-3% of all site visitors will ever contact to you in connection or send an enquiry.
So you are missing require at least 97% of all potential buyers. LEADSExplorer reveals the company names and additional information about Their site visitors to leads to qualify, using corporate information and their interest known by the pages visited. Leads and customer support (nurturing): LEADSExplorer provides visually the site visits along with the communications in the CRM. This allows the improvement in supply of leads and customers, through the knowledge of reactions by visits to your communications. Also marketing and sales adjust messages can visit shown interest known through pages on your site to the. Customer loyalty – retention: If a customer visits your website again, you can contact timely your customer.
Marketing and sellers can prepare your message using the knowledge of their interest, which is derived from the visited pages, or change. The post click marketing solution LEADSExplorer brings a significant increase in the lead generation, lead and customer care and customer retention. For more information, please visit: concerns Engago Technologies Ltd. Engago Technologies Ltd. is a privately held company and develops, markets and operates online services for businesses.