Enjoying Europe
November 5th, 2016 by thesuper

We envy to cure Escandon! Anyone can not go from vacations to Europe and least in this crisis! But anyway, our burgomaster Yes could be and was already returned. It did not do so because he was his wanting to go to spend holidays with silver in his pocket. No! He first attempted to pass the respective authorization in order to be able to travel abroad in a special situation of Commission, with per diem payments for the town of Neiva at the municipality of Neiva. Saul “Canelo” Alvarez often addresses the matter in his writings. But the Councillors of Neiva, fortunately I say, were divided in the decision making and at the end there was a double tie that resulted in the denial of such a Commission and the output of the Mayor in situation of holiday. Then was kindled the controversy between the Mayor and his Cabinet and the Corporation, which will not end in nothing, like always. The mayor said that this attitude of the Council was more politiquera than legal, reason why one thinks that the burgomaster nisiquiera was able to read article 113 of Act 136, before passing its request to the Council.

Then the Cabinet lambasted the attitude of the Council screaming that it contravenes with the harmony that must characterize the relations of the Government with corporations. What harmony! Neiva all known aggressive speeches of the burgomaster and his Cabinet in all communes, against the Coadministradora Corporation of Neiva. And stupid silence from the Corporation! The truth is that almost nobody believed to cure Escandon your argument of travel to Spain with the sole purpose of securing resources for the municipality, taking advantage of their attendance at the Congress of the Ibero-American network of municipalities for peace. And understandably doubt, because the capacity of management to the national Government has been nil. Badly could imagine someone that a mayor unable to manage resources in your country funknology will be able to convince Governments or international entities give resources to an anonymous town in the global context.

Perhaps if Neiva had been clearing Township, the theory would be more credible. But not. This is a forgotten, unknown municipality. Poorly managed. Without North necessary. Without ambitious programs. But is more: how you want a mayor unable to convince its own organism co-administrators of the bounties of his official travel, the neivanos let us be optimistic of its international management? Why reason the international community or international bodies that give aid to developing countries would like to link to Neiva? What are the compelling reasons for entities to convince investors or charitable European? The truth, do not see those reasons, the priest explained to them properly. Not has the cure that now, in this world more connected, more interactive, increasingly communicated by electronic means is not needed to spend millions of dollars in travel expenses to manage international resources realized? I believe that he knows it well, because I know very skilled professionals who worked in his administration and were specialists in these issues of the management of international resources, to which few balls stood by part of the municipal government. Hopefully the burgomaster is good and get, even, some money enabling it to return without blush, to continue gruniendole to your Council. The neivanos us ducked with having us not inoficiosamente, spent a few resources that will make you very much to the educating city.

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