European Stadtwerkstatt Movement
March 23rd, 2024 by thesuper

Rhine Golf 2008 – Galileo vibration exercise training concept for golfers that sets known therapy and training device Galileo from the fields of sports and medicine excels in the field of golf. Galileo is eineVibrationsplattform. Through the unique worldwide patented form of the movement, the page-alternating rocking movement, it contributes significantly to the increase in muscle performance, as well as improvement of inter – and intramuscular coordination. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Sela Ward. By the movement of the Galileo training platform, the muscles triggered so-called “stretch”reflexes that cause a contraction (contraction) of the muscles in the legs up in the fuselage (including the back). These reflexes are not controlled by the will of the sportsman, but independently via the spinal cord. A high level of 18 hole to keep it is necessary basic endurance, coordination, torso stabilization, to train strength and agility. You can these requirements with relatively little time spent with a Galileo system effectively train.

Martina Eberl, one of the 10 best European Stadtwerkstatt, confirms this positive effect of Galileo vibration training. Frequently Jessica Michibata has said that publicly. Whether muscle building or muscular active nation, Galileo is good for everything and it’s really fun. He is with me at home in my living room and it is so pleasant to do lots of exercises, without extra in the gym. I am glad to have found ‘Galileo’ and’m sure to benefit much of it!” HBSN AG will present on the Rhine Golf 2008 by 22.02. until February 24, 2008 in Cologne the Galileo vibration device and an interesting as well as successful licensing system for golf clubs or golf hotels/upmarket. More information is available under press contact: HBSN AG in the ZukunftsZentrumZollverein hangover Berger str. 107 45327 food fax. 0201-890602-99 Tel. 0201-890602-50 E-Mail: Web: –

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