Anyone who finds in his current professional position, not a financial or satisfactory performance, chooses not uncommon to find a side job or additional income in the hope, now more able to make his living. These include employers with respect to the reporting requirement, which is addressed to both the employer and from social insurance perspective is unavoidable. In the main employer may also ask for the salary of perquisites, if you anticipate that it may come to exceed the contribution limits. The employee may also be requested for authorization request to the principal employer, which in many cases the existence of the collective agreement is based. Moreover, the approval by the employer is subject to corresponding clauses in employment contracts. Congestion, high accident risk or overlapping working hours would be grounds for a ban on the exercise of a part-time jobs. Not lightly take the approval of the employer should be in writing and beshould be in the intention to pursue a second job strictly to talk to the principal employer, otherwise the consequences could not be more outrage, and even lead to claims for compensation. There is also no reason by the employer, the employee shall prohibit the exercise of a part-time jobs, one can embark on the search for such. Many species of the perquisites that go towards wellness and beauty, while others belong to the catering industry. Even the door delivery of newspapers or distribute letters can bring in a nice extra. However, and unfortunately there are part-time jobs, their reliability is often questionable. That, however, there are public places, and sites on the Internet, where you can learn about such jobs, before one takes into trouble. It is remarkable, even if you invest for his new side job needs, instead of being properly paid.