Landscape, Space And Culture
November 21st, 2023 by thesuper

Cultural 1-Concept of Landscape and Spaces: The formation of Geography Culture and its methodologies the concept of Landscape first appears with intention to represent the forms of the relief for the physical gegrafos, however she is in geography human being that we go to search explanations to understand the landscapes socially produced. In such a way, the description of the landscape evidences the variety of the forms associates to the activities human beings, where the parcelamento of land now is not more in aspects naturalistic of cartographic details that can be measurable, more yes of historical arcabouos left in marks constructed through the agricultural explorations and places inhabited throughout its cultural trajectory. This vision of the reality of the landscapes is visible for the gegrafos that can be interpreted through the perception live deeply in the places, however can perceive that the symbols are atrelados the cultural contexts that many times are invisible to the eyes of the laypeople. Only, in associative interpretations we can understand that in a forest landscape that improves they are inhospitable, has a set of simbologismo that in the souvenirs send to them without the least we had lived in this place. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Tony Parker has to say. In this way, the souvenir detailed in landscape takes care of of if transferred to this landscape that configures the culture of the different places.

The places in turn when transmitting souvenirs to the gegrafo become it a cultural critic of the responsible population for the infinite variety of the landscapes. The gegrafos formed you discipline in them of the look? what know to pass of the horizontal or oblique vision of the passer-by, sensible to everything what it arrives to it at the look, to the synthetic vision offered by the vertical perception? they are always reticent when them they are proposals cultural interpretations: they have the feeling of that the functional boardings that had learned to develop go more far and allow to enter more deeply in the privacy of the social facts and in its space translation, DEMAGEON, et. apud. CORRA. In such a way, easy to understand the paper of the landscape for the gegrafos of cultural geography being given an instrument of culturally produced symbolic interpretations of the landscape through the times for the social facts that are distributed there.

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