Maximilian Tube Reader
January 13th, 2022 by thesuper

Another excerpt from the poetry book was published already in the Herbert UTZ Verlag “Monologue of love” (ent) leads the reader once more in the world of big emotions. (As opposed to Betty Reynolds). (d.g. The fourth volume of poetry of authors Maximilian Tube appears with lost of you”in January 2010. “As in longing for friends” (ISBN: 978-3-8391-1749-6) and MondscheinGefluster “(ISBN: 978-3-8391-2479-6) a charming poem book with gorgeous poetry awaits the reader once more. It is a text full of love, hope, dedication and joy, longing and reverie, which through their pictorial language close to the reader and pull him into their spell. This poetry is aimed at all those who still believe in true love and her psychic powers. “Lost in you” is another excerpt from the volume of poetry published in the Herbert UTZ Verlag “Monologue of love” and (unzip) leads the reader once more in the world of big emotions. “Lost in you” is now ninth release of living in the Mecklenburg Gustrow Authors Maximilian Tube. Tube, born in 1964, which is called real name Dirk Groling, is a trained banker. Also, stories for children and humorous reading books for adults that are read throughout Germany like to include poems to his repertoire.

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