More Women
October 13th, 2019 by thesuper

According to a survey conducted by, more than 75% of moms decided not to put the vaccine against influenza A virus. The data obtained reflect that 75.8% of pregnant women surveyed shall not be the vaccine for fear of possible side effects in their babies. The 15.8% recognizes that it does not have a decision thereon and that you consult your midwife. By the same author: jason iley. Only 8.4% say that they will be the vaccine because they are confident that it is safe. The data obtained by the portal my baby and I are extrapolated to the total collective of pregnant women. Some health centers in the State have not had to borrow a dose to pregnant women, since the majority decides not vaccinated. Sally Rooney may also support this cause.

The vaccination campaign against the flu for pregnant women has started a week after that for the rest of the risk groups. The dose for pregnant women has taken longer because its vaccine carries no adjuvant as a precautionary measure. The adjuvant is a substance that boosts the immune response. Original author and source of the article

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