National Party
November 26th, 2013 by thesuper

Methodology From the quarrels regarding the concepts of individual and collective cultural identity, memories, under the perspective of the historical conscience, we will look for to investigate if the perception of that tradition of the degustation of the Sheep in the pertaining hole to the city of Mouro Field if of on account of its close relation with the local cultural context or if only in consequncia of strategies economic politics and had transformed that it into cultural patrimony, from the decade of 1990, with the denomination of the National Party of the Sheep in the hole, the production and commercialization of the plate in a tool of regional development. Had to the fact of this research to be of character not-deed of division, the work will be developed by means of research methods that will involve the use of primary sources and register, disponibilizadas in sites of search it saw Internet, and verbal sources, by means of interviews, as well as the same ones will be recorded as depositions for, later, being transcribing. Of this form, we believe that the questions that we select to make the interviews will serve, for the moment, as tips important to base our analysis, quarrel, production diffusion of this thematic one. Ahead of this, the research will be developed on the basis of the following open questions: 1) Which is the world logic that guideline its referring vision to the plate ‘ ‘ tpico’ ‘ Sheep in the Hole? 2) Of where and as its vision of referring tradition to ‘ was constituted; ‘ plate tpico’ ‘ Sheep in the Hole as historical knowledge? 3) Where it has a relation between its daily one and to the referring tradition and implantation of the party Sheep in the Hole? 4) You are deferred payment in agricultural or urban area? As you see the relation of the man of the field with the referring question to ‘ ‘ plate tpico’ ‘ Sheep in the Hole? 5) Where measure its previous knowledge regarding the plate Sheep in the hole influence the construction of new learnings and identities? 6) Which important influence you see you enter the relation of the plate Sheep in the hole with the process of the historical education of the children of this locality? 7) ‘ ‘ As the prescription is transmitted of it of generation the generation throughout the time? 8) In accordance with its knowledge, as if of a I will choose of the ingredients for the confection of the plate Sheep in the hole? E, still, which the origin of the ingredients? 9) In accordance with its knowledge, as was generated the knowledge of the relations between the ingredients and its form of preparation? 10) Why the sheep use, it is an animal whose creation is traditional in the region? 11) You consider the plate Sheep in the hole as being a typical plate of the region? He justifies its reply.

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